Volume 14 Number 1 2010


Issue Editor: Barbara Bokus

Editorial introduction (in the print version)


Domenic Berducci
From infants’ reacting to understanding: Grounding mature communication and sociality through turn-taking and sequencing

Marta Białecka-Pikul, Marta Rynda, Daria Syrecka
Constructing a narrative in the standard unexpected transfer test in adolescence and adulthood

Anna Batory, Wacław B±k, Piotr K. Ole¶, Małgorzata Puchalska-Wasyl
The dialogical self: Research and applications

Patrick J. Leman, Theresa Ikoko
Interruption in women’s conversations: The effects of context in ethnic majority and minority group interactions

Piotr Francuz
The impact of audio information intonation on understanding television news content

Short Communications

Encho Gerganov
Book review: Hristo Kyuchukov, Kognitivniyat podhod v obuchenieto po romski ezik (v preduchilishtna i nachalna uchilishtna vazrast)
[The cognitive approach in Romani language teaching (in preschool and primary school )]